SouthMed Global is an international advisory initiative.

SouthMed Global (SMG) is dedicated to fostering Prosperity by envisioning a future that is not only new but also better, by fundamentally rethinking the systems and relationships that are currently in place.


SMG is mobilizing a select group of the most influential business leaders, statesmen, and subject matter experts from the fields of medical, institutional relations, communications, diplomacy, finance, and industry in North Africa, Europe, Far East Asia, and the USA.

This collective effort is driven by a shared commitment to rethinking existing systems and relationships in order to bring Prosperity to all.

We collaborate with international institutions to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable world. Join us in preserving our planet and ensuring a cleaner, safer tomorrow.
In our unwavering commitment to creating substantial social and environmental change while achieving our goals, we forge partnerships with esteemed international organizations. We drive forward the Sustainable Development Goals, fostering inclusive and sustainable industrial development. Together, we embark on a transformative journey, making a positive impact on both society and the planet.
Our priorities
SMG understands the profound significance of sustainable water systems and the transformative impact that access to water holds for individuals across the globe.

In this critical juncture, SMG stands at the forefront, committed to addressing these challenges head-on and paving the way for prosperity. We refuse to take water for granted and recognize the urgency to safeguard its accessibility and sustainability.

Water, from being the fundamental essence of life to driving global economies, plays an indispensable role in prosperity. Yet, its omnipresence in our daily lives runs the risk of making us overlook its true value. Meanwhile, the mounting challenges of population growth, urbanization, environmental degradation, deforestation, and climate change pose an escalating threat to water security worldwide. At SMG, we are committed to overcoming these challenges to pave the way for a more prosperous future.

In this critical juncture, SMG stands at the forefront, committed to addressing these challenges head-on. We refuse to take water for granted and recognize the urgency to safeguard its accessibility and sustainability. Through our unwavering dedication and strategic initiatives, we aim to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to benefit from reliable and secure water systems.
Water, from being the fundamental essence of life to driving global economies, plays an indispensable role. Yet, its omnipresence in our daily lives runs the risk of making us overlook its true value. Meanwhile, the mounting challenges of population growth, urbanization, environmental degradation, deforestation, and climate change pose an escalating threat to water security worldwide.

The Problem

The security of water resources is facing a mounting global threat, with a range of stressors ranging from inadequate management practices to the accelerating impact of climate change. While the specific impacts may differ across various regions, the prevalence of water insecurity is steadily expanding, becoming a widespread concern


Aligned with the strategic actions identified by SMG, we bring our extensive expertise in water security to contribute to international efforts aimed at fostering equity, driving economic growth. Mitigating the risk of conflict or instability, and combating the pressing challenges of climate change.


SMG is determined to take decisive action in partnership with various stakeholders, including the private sector, academia, philanthropy, and local communities, to implement effective strategies addressing water security. By collaborating with these non-governmental entities, we aim to complement our traditional approaches in working with country partners and amplify the impact of our efforts.


Introducing an innovative response to the water crisis, SMG sets an example by actively seeking out groundbreaking technologies that offer efficient desalination solutions. Through this transformative process, we can generate abundant clean water without incurring significant energy consumption, effectively tackling one of the most pressing challenges faced by countries in Northern Africa.

Join us in revolutionizing water sustainability, as we pave the way towards a future where accessible clean water is no longer a luxury, but a fundamental right in order to bring Prosperity to all.
Supply Food
Chain Integrity
Ensuring Food Security in North Africa, a Commitment by SouthMed Global.
Our Strategic Focus: Supply Chain Integrity!

The European Connection: Black Sea Region

With a specific emphasis on the Black Sea Region, SMG is dedicated to harnessing European resources to ensure a consistent and secure flow of food supplies. Our platform acts as a bridge, connecting European sources to the North African region. By doing so, we not only facilitate trade but also contribute to the economic well-being of the connected nations.

At the core of our mission is the unwavering commitment to Supply Chain Integrity. We understand that a seamless and reliable supply chain is the backbone of timely food deliveries. SMG, leveraging its robust transatlantic relationships, is strategically positioned to streamline logistics and foster an atmosphere of trust essential for promoting deliveries of food to North Africa.
SMG invites collaboration from all, concerned with the prosperity of North Africa. By building strong partnerships, we aim to create a sustainable ecosystem that ensures the security and integrity of food supplies. Together, we can build a future where no one goes hungry, and communities thrive.
SMG places transparency and assurance at the forefront. We understand that the integrity of the supply chain is not just about delivering food; it's about delivering trust. Our platform provides a framework that instills confidence among stakeholders, ensuring that every step of the process is visible and trustworthy.

The Problem

The foundation of our commitment lies in understanding the multifaceted challenges that plague the current state of food supply chains in North Africa. Factors such as geopolitical uncertainties, infrastructural gaps, and fluctuating demand create a complex landscape that requires strategic intervention.


Our approach is grounded in fundamental principles that guide the development of a robust strategy for ensuring the integrity of the food supply chain. Establishing transparent processes and holding all stakeholders accountable for their roles within the supply chain. Fostering collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities to collectively address challenges and ensure a unified approach.


To address the identified challenges, we have initiated a series of actionable steps aimed at fortifying the integrity of the food supply chain, with a strong emphasis on due diligence.
One of our primary actions is the establishment of a comprehensive due diligence framework. This framework is designed to assess and mitigate risks at every stage of the supply chain, ensuring the highest standards of integrity and accountability.


Our goals are ambitious, driven by the belief that a secure and reliable food supply chain is fundamental to the prosperity of North Africa.
Eliminating food insecurity by creating a supply chain that can meet the nutritional needs of every community.

Through the integration of a robust due diligence framework into our operational procedures, SouthMed Global is not only fortifying the integrity of the food supply chain but also establishing prosperity.
In a rapidly evolving world, SMG takes a holistic approach will not only enhance efficiency and accessibility but also contribute to sustainable development, positive social impact and bring Prosperity to all.
Global OmniPresence Technology stands at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the way we experience governance, healthcare, and education.

The objective is to establish an ecosystem that will optimize resource allocation equips governments with powerful, flexible budgeting tools, streamlining operations and empowering the citizen. The smart public works strategy entails making intelligent investments in technology that can revolutionize infrastructure, which is often a burdensome and expensive source of dissatisfaction for citizens, into a streamlined, efficient, and optimized public service.
Together, we will shape a future where distance is no longer a barrier, where every citizen has access to quality services, and where knowledge knows no boundaries. With Global OmniPresence Technology, the world becomes your platform for growth, connection, and limitless potential.

All in one solution

is a crucial and strategic platform that brings together ministers, high-level government officials, decision-makers, as well as leaders and innovators from the private sector, to drive the country's practical initiatives for remote work, remote education, and remote healthcare.

Remote Government

Smart working methods to help foster productivity and well-being of the people. Remote Government seeks to modernize public administration and improve governance in countries across the region by harnessing the power of technology.


The use of digital technology in residential care homes can reduce the number of emergency department attendances by 10% each month, according to new research.

Remote education

Transform life through education. Education embraces remote learning In the realm of education, the emphasis is shifting towards skills rather than degrees as the key to the future.

With a vision to bridge distances, break barriers, and transform lives, we empower individuals and communities through the seamless integration of Remote Government, Telemedicine and Remote Education, paving the way for prosperity.
SMG Intiative

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